Yes ....Everyday everyone use this word........But majority of people say it as a formal one,but not from their heart.I also use this one everyday..But there are only few occassions I said SORRY or THANKS from my heart.
I have to say Thanks to ALMIGHTY GOD first.
Thanks to my friends who played a major role in my life.
God/Situations/Grandmother-You are the one who gave more courage during my SSLC.& that became the major turning point my life.
Nithin.R-I don't know how to say thanks.You are the one who changed me a lot. I repeated for entrance because of U.I stayed at lodge because of U. I think God came to my front in the form of U at that time...But i was unhappy at that time because U didn't get Entrance..You helped me from University college also for getting TC.......& U r continuing it...............I am not saying THANKS............because i Know U......................
COLLEGE- Salutes to my college my life.My charecter entirely changed from there...I am not familiar in my native place...i have no good friends at kaniyapuram....but i can say I have good friends all over the world......ya ie the differernce............Before entering to my college..........
I was afraid of darkness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I was an introverted person,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have no knowledge about charecter of girls (eventhough i studied a mixed school),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ya many things werw there.......
But.......During my collge life I Have caught by police at midnight at thiruvallam after watching secondshow of Bharathchandran.IPS.............................................I attended more than 100 meetings there...(I was a leader thre)..................................Majority of students in my campus were girls...i am sure that helped me a lot to understand my sister...her wishes......................................i can write more than 1000 pages about my has given many contacts.................................Ya i am not saying THANKS..................because .............
KISHAN------only kishan can smile like this.........uniue but facing/faced hard situations like me......Ya........creative,affectionate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,romantic..................Ya i can write a lot abt him...but i am not doing
SAJI/SULAIMAN-----He deviated my life.......he helped me to repeat entrance.......
A BIG THANKS.............................A BIG SORRY for the quarrel that had happened 2 years ago..........
MY PARENTS--------What will I say? It may be my inspiration........I respect your on education..........& indirect way of encouragements...........................Ya I am not saying................because.....................
Noufal,jaleela,ashkar,raashid---------ya ....we 5 can create history...........
UNKNOWN-------many unknown people relatives for encouragement......
Ya...................I know.......i can't enlist all.....Others are in my mind....................Sometimes the unsaid may be more precious ............................................
the word 'thanks',ofcourse a bautiful word..but when it comes from heart covered with gratitude,it is the most serene one!a mind with gratitude and humbleness can reach great heights...hope you be one among them..